I love the Chabad. I wrote about our local Chabad recently. They are lovely people. I have sought them out whenever we had to move to a new city.

October 7 changed everything. Of course you have a new direction with your book. Congrats.

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Shana tova, Howard!

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Very sweet RH story.

You write about Jewish unity to fight antisemitism. My post here provides a model for how different worlds can connect. I live in Israel, and there is always the background noise of fighting.


Besides alliances and unity, I don’t think it’s possible to fight antisemitism without understanding Jewish history, starting perhaps with Yitzchak, who went to Eretz Plishtim. He encountered the king who hated him for absolutely no reason.

In the end, we may not be able to change them. But we can change ourselves.

Thank you for your oats.

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