One thing I will note is that the counter argument which has been made against the 'Israel obsession point' is that the reason why people focus on Israel is due to the huge amount of support it gets from the US. This thus makes it more of personal issue for westerners who's tax dollars are paying for what they are fighting against. Wonder what your thoughts are on this counter?
Am Yisrael chai!
Thank you
This is very well said.
One thing I will note is that the counter argument which has been made against the 'Israel obsession point' is that the reason why people focus on Israel is due to the huge amount of support it gets from the US. This thus makes it more of personal issue for westerners who's tax dollars are paying for what they are fighting against. Wonder what your thoughts are on this counter?
That would be a good point if the hyper-focus on Israel were US only! It's international.
What's wild is that the current events in Myanmar are getting at best a footnote mention on most news websites.