I recently had a conversation with Sally Wiener Grotta about my upcoming novel, Found and Lost: The Jake and Cait Story, as well as my work at Judith Magazine and the broader fight against antisemitism in the literary world.
It's so insane, the level of antisemitism, especially by progressives in the publishing world. The hypocrisy is of epic proportions. Congrats on the book. I wish I could review but I simply have way, way too much going on.
I would love to read your book and leave a review. I love supporting Jewish writers and Jewish themes stories.
That'd be great. Thank you! Please send me an email at howard@howardlovy.com for more information.
I wouild love to review your novel. Please let me know how I might receive it, the length of the review, and to whom I should submit it. Thanks
Thank you, Jo-Anne! Please write to me at howard@howardlovy.com and I'll send you all the info!
I would like to read your novel
Great! Please write to me at howard@howardlovy.com for more information.
It's so insane, the level of antisemitism, especially by progressives in the publishing world. The hypocrisy is of epic proportions. Congrats on the book. I wish I could review but I simply have way, way too much going on.