My understanding is that not all Evangelical Christians only support Israel because of "apocalyptic prophecy." Many genuinely see the justice of Israel's cause and the shared values of Israel and the US.

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It is great that Howard's research was an opportunity to see this. But, and I don't want this to sound the wrong way, *some Jews have been saying this for years*-- myself included.

In return we got called nasty, abusive names like "Nazis", "Kapos" and told, and this is a direct quote, "You support people who would put us in cattle cars." (Jason Silverman, law firm partner in DC)

I grew up in rural Iowa, and a handful of times, kids made idiotic antisemitic comments. It was nothing like the vitriol spewed from JVP, BLM, and their ilk.

I've attended CUFI, worked with my share of Evangelical Christians, and it is no secret that the Christians are, by and large, friends of the Jews.

Sure, some Christians are premillennial dispensationalists. But not all.

I'm glad Howard had a good experience. And I hope people read this, and I hope their minds and hearts will open.

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Well said! While I used to focus on the worst statements and actions of Evangelicals, my deep experience among them actually reveals that most want to support Israel and Jews, and don't recognize how their beliefs and actions undermine that desire. Most people don't carry their theology to its logical conclusions, and that's a good thing.

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Jul 10Liked by Howard Lovy

S i r ~

Greetings! Do you have this book?


Explains the whole CUFI mindset admirably. I presented much of this content to an initially skeptical Humanistic Judaism Havurah where it was well received.

Like Jews, of course there are different varieties of Christians, even of evangelicals. Overall the philosemitic ones you can work with, are those who largely reject supercessionism, the idea that the Church, a blend of Jew and Gentile, altogether replaces the Tribe. Those who believe the Almighty still has future plans for Israel and the Jews are indeed centered around Dispensational streams of theology, which, and this is relevant to those efforts in Georgia, is big among Baptists.

But even the Catholic Church has condemned, renounced antisemitism:


So ~ still in Georgia? Happy to buy you lunch sometime, as Kosher as you require

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Amen. Also, Mormons love Jews. We'll take all the friends we can. 80% of Americans side with Israel. We must marginalize the Jew Hating Left.

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Eventually people wake up!

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Well said. It's high time that American Jews recognize who are our friends and who are our enemies. I subscribe to an Internet podcast called the "Watchman." It's hosted by Erick Stakelbeck on the Trinity Broadcast Network. He's an Evangelical Christian and very pro Jewish and pro Israel. He frequently travels to Israel and interviews many Israelis. His loyalty to the Jewish people and to Israel is deep. There are many other Evangelicals who are likewise. Contrary to Bernie Sanders, AOC, et al, they support us in these perilous times.

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Do you know how many evangelical Christians in the United States believe that American Jews ought to make aliyah? That is, how many Christians believe that diaspora Jews are holding up the Second Coming? Details: https://outofbabel.substack.com/p/misreading-the-room … Thanks in advance.

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One of my favorite topics.. so good to see it discussed. So now i have a question…will the Christian Zionists sponsor me to make aliyah? That would make it a lot easier for sure!

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I’ll write you a modest check, but please don’t interpret that to mean I want you to go away. We need voices here in America to speak up for the rights of us Jews ✡️ and the continuing existence of the State of Israel 🇮🇱

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Next, you’ll be pro Second Amendment!

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What does a well-regulated militia have to do with the topic under discussion?

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There are two classifications of militia, organized and unorganized. The second consists of all able bodied citizens available in an emergency. That includes situations where the emergency is a house breaking or other crime and the number of citizens available is one.

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What is the significance of the five-pointed star in the picture?

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Mistake. I've replaced the illustration.

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